Bucket Head 2011

This weekend Rob worked.  He worked some more.  And then he really worked on Monday because he worked from 7am until 11pm.

What a husband, I say.  He provides well.

But we missed him.  We missed him terribly.

Monday was the Fourth of July, for those keeping track, and we normally don’t do anything super spectacular that day.   We might grill out, we might go to a friend’s house, we definitely go to the parade, but we don’t have any real tradition for this holiday like we do other holidays.  No offense, America.  God Bless you and all the men and women who served and continue to serve in your honor.  Happy Birthday. You don’t look a day over 21.

A few weeks ago Rob told me that one of the guys he worked with asked him to work the holiday for him.  It was already Robs scheduled weekend and he didn’t mind, so I didn’t mind.  Plus it seems that a lot of other people do have traditions for the Fourth of July holiday and why should they have to miss out?  I know this because of my love for the Thanksgiving holiday which starts with turkey and ends up lasting all weekend with the finale of getting our Christmas tree and then decorating it.

Where am I going?  Oh, right.  I was rightly ready to be without Rob all weekend.  No big deal.  But then I got my PMS on Friday.  And then a phone call at 8:00 am on Saturday from my step-dad saying that my mom had suffered a seizure and she was on the way to the hospital.  I tended to my mom as soon as Rob could rub the sleep from his eyes and I got back in barely enough time for him to shower and pass the quiet incredibly behaved children to me and off he went to work.

Saturday wasn’t that bad but then Sunday I let Rob sleep in as late as he could because (on his weekends he works second shift but normally works first shift) I knew that later he would get home around midnight and then need to go right to sleep (nearly impossible) to be up again at 6am to work 16 more hours.

I try to be a good wife.

But then we only saw each other for maybe two hours and off he went again.  Goodbye Husband, see you when our children are 18.  Only…..18 more years!

When he left Sunday afternoon he actually said, “See you Tuesday morning!”  The upside to when he does work his weekend (once a month) is he gets the Friday before and the Monday after off.  This time it was Tuesday though.

I did my best to keep busy all weekend.  We went to the park a few times, took long walks, played in the back yard, even a friend came over and we prepared a goat cheese themed dinner, but I was still really missing 1/4 of my family.

On Monday I decided to try this pulled pork sandwich recipe from The Pioneer Woman it turned out pretty awesome so the boys and I brought it to Rob Monday night for his dinner and Luke got to see Daddy’s “workshop” and all of his awesome tools and I thought Luke was going to explode from all the excitement.  He didn’t stop talking about it all night and of course, he had to get out all of his tools to do work at the hospitible (hospital).

The funniest part of our visit to Rob’s work was Luke asking, “Where are the sick people?”  Not so funny in a sick people sense but funny in a way a child’s mind works sense.

So…my mom is still in the hospital, no real word on what caused her seizure yet.

Gavin is getting baptized this Sunday and I think after making the pulled pork recipe, I know what I’m serving for his baptism lunch.  There will also be cake.

Rob will have Thursday, Friday and the weekend off and I can’t WAIT.

Today, Gavin is napping like a champ so Luke and I played ball and he was hitting them out of the park yard.  We ran through the sprinkler and when I say we, I pretty much mean he told  me to go first and then he never did it so it was basically me.  Then he made ice-cream and coffee for me.  And finally, he ate a popsicle.  A grape one.

In the summer time when the living is high, you can stretch right up and touch the sky……….

Here is Bucket Head 2010:

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  1. Man, Luke is so cute!
    I hope your mom is doing better today.
    Rob’s hours sound really sucky. But it was really nice of him to pick up that shift.

  2. Sass

     /  July 7, 2011

    Sending good thoughts your way. I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the baptism.


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